Can I shower with nail wraps?

While our nail wraps are designed to withstand daily activities, including handwashing, it is advisable to avoid prolonged exposure to water, such as extended showers or soaking in water. Excessive moisture can impact the adhesive properties of the wraps over time, potentially reducing their longevity.
For the best results, it's recommended to minimize prolonged water exposure and take precautions such as using gloves during activities that involve significant water contact.
Additionally, to give the nail wrap enough time to adhere properly, apply just before bedtime or wait a few hours after application before submerging in water or engaging in activities like cleaning.

By following these application tips and precautions, you can maximize the longevity and vibrancy of your nail wraps. If you have specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact our customer support through our website's chat interface or by emailing
We're here to help you enjoy beautiful and durable nail art.

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