Can I use a top coat on the nail wraps?

Yes, you can use a top coat on our nail wraps, and we actually recommend it. Applying a top coat enhances the shine of the wraps and adds an extra layer of protection, making them more resilient to damage, similar to traditional nail polish from a bottle.
However, it's important to note that for Outlined nail wraps, we advise against using "fast-drying" top coats. These formulations often contain chemicals that may react with the nail wrap, potentially causing it to crack or distort. Opting for a regular top coat will ensure the best results without compromising the integrity of the nail wraps.

If you have any specific questions or need further guidance on applying top coats to our nail wraps, feel free to contact our customer support through our website's chat interface or by emailing
We're here to assist you in achieving the best outcome with our products.

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